Map Of Midgard Project update: The editing & backup is complete!

After nearly another year & a half of serious grind, the Map Of Midgard's layers, entry edits, and backups are completed! This represents a huge trio of steps forward in progress, which puts the salient work left as follows:

1. Expanding & reorganizing the map layers.

2. Copy editing existing mappoint texts.

3. Backing up the GPS & rollover description data.

4. Commissioning an artist, figuring out maps' scale & included mappoints for the physical maps based on that scale.

5. Printing maps.

6. Listing maps.

7. Posting the digital map.

While I thought each of those first three items would be done separately, as I started I realized it made more sense just to do two & three at the same time when I had each entry open.

More specifically on the digital map, its categories are now expanded & re-organized into 10 layers, and all 1100+ stickpin rollovers are edited & formatted into standardized entries to ensure named locations, the presence of citations, narratives, attributed visuals (honestly, finding art/photo credits on the internet took the longest), and GPS points! And after the completion of each entry, a backup of the above edits got pasted into a very long document, just in case the map has to be recreated without the ease of export onto a different public mapping website or onto a privately held server to ensure the map & its data's longterm preservation in future.

[screencap excerpt of final backup document!]

So what's next? While NorsePlay was blessed & lucky to have Medieval Mapmaker Jesse Kennedy draw my Odin-specific Óðinnsvegr: The Path Of Odin proof-of-concept map, he no longer takes commissions. His awesome execution, however, will provide an example & set the bar high for my approaching potential artists to draw the series of final physical maps equal to or better than the already amazing Óðinnsvegr in the coming months. While I already have a list of worthwhile creators to contact, if you're an artist/cartographer of this calibre (or know someone who is), do contact me for consideration.

For the record, this is the tenth progress update since the initial blog post (in 2016 CE)the first update (200 stickpins)the second update (300 stickpins)the third update (400 stickpins), the fourth update (500 stickpins), the fifth update (600 stickpins), the sixth update (700 stickpins), the seventh update (800 stickpins), the eighth update (900 stickpins), and the ninth update (1100+ stickpins!). Look at all the above report links for previews & process of this amazing endeavour.

Hit that blue follow button & stay tuned to NorsePlay for more updates & announcements about my Map Of Midgard Project.


"There must be ready and generous cooperation between experts in different fields of knowledge if we are to make profitable use of the wealth of new information piling up concerning the pagan religion from which the myths emerged." 

~ H.R. Ellis Davidson
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Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him. 


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