
Showing posts from May, 2024


Hammering out candy in Malmö, Sweden, Viking Sweets manufactures four different confections all in the shape of Thor's Mjölnir! These Thor-riffic treats come in traditional salty licorice, licorice & juniper, raspberry, and elderflower. Specifically the hammer these are molded after's the Danish Købelev hammer found in 2014 CE on the isle of Lolland. For awhile before that there were some academic factions who questioned whether the Thor's hammer pendant finds were actually Thor's hammers, but this 10th-century example specifically says in runes "Hmar x is” meaning “This is a Hammer”. Well, perhaps now those deconstructionist Lokis can buy a bag of these hammers and literally eat those words to their satisfaction. Have any of you tried these candies? If so, do leave us a review in the comments below! [order direct here , and mail some to NorsePlay for review if you're feeling gifty.] #    #    # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in  t

loki's unnecessarily inglorious purpose.

During my current re-watch of Loki S1E1, the Mobius interviewing Loki scene raises the question beyond the MCU of Loki as a mechanism within the Norse Lore: Mobius: You weren't born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. [shows the Avengers one final time]  Mobius: All so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves. Outside of this nice bit of character study breakdown, this not-so-glorious incidental purpose doesn't justify Loki's decisions or actions within the Norse Lore . It's been argued that if one removes Loki from the myths, then you really have no foil or proactive instigator that causes the stories to happen at all, but let's NorsePlay this to disprove that unjustified fallacy by actually pruning him from the Eddaic timeline. Odin co-designs the whole Níuverse, wars then negotiates a peace with the Vanir to gain wonderfully advantageous host