
Showing posts from August, 2024

a couplet for your potential.

we are all ashlads -- no one is a hero born. ~ kolbítur  by Guillermo the IVth ["coal biter" runic translations from omniglot blog] In many of the Norse Sagas & stories you've got a good-for-nothing momma's boy character who does naught but lay by the hearth fire choosing lazy comfort over helping out on the farm. Then something happens in the story (i.e. like a monster shows up somewhere nearby), and he unexpectedly decides to get up and go meet the greater challenge, implementing a clever plan that far outweighs what people think of his lack of action until that moment where he proves himself a hero. That's the decision one has to make everyday. The Gods have granted you all the days before, will gift you all the days hence, and today to decide to rise to make your dream happen. And it doesn't have to happen all in one day (but if you can, do it), which is part of the clever plan, but you can slay the dragon of self-resistance one slim scale at a time w

insight into the final orgy of Ibn Fadlan.

In Ibn Fadlan's Risala , days before the end of the amazing Viking ship burning funeral, the voluntary human sacrifice from among the deceased's slaves who essentially then becomes a funeral bride companion by choice, has sex with her dead master's huscarls individually, then on the day-of enters a tent aboard the ship where she has intercourse with six of them: " Then six men went into the pavilion and each had intercourse with the girl. " ~ Ibn Fadlan's Risal a §90   Maybe I've watched far too much Freyr-centric intimate programming, but perhaps instead of running a one-by-one train, there's something more of a concurrent sexual group crescendo for the girl with the final asphyxiation & the priestess' stabbing of her at the moment of breathless orgasm. We're talking a sept-some, which is probably something few get to incidentally have in the course of their lives, so this could be the staging & delivery of a peak experience to gift so

Map Of Midgard Project update: The editing & backup is complete!

After nearly another year & a half of serious grind, the Map Of Midgard 's layers, entry edits, and backups are completed! This represents a huge trio of steps forward in progress, which puts the salient work left as follows: 1. Expanding & reorganizing the map layers. 2. Copy editing existing mappoint texts. 3. Backing up the GPS & rollover description data. 4. Commissioning an artist, figuring out maps' scale & included mappoints for the physical maps based on that scale. 5. Printing maps. 6. Listing maps. 7. Posting the digital map. While I thought each of those first three items would be done separately, as I started I realized it made more sense just to do two & three at the same time when I had each entry open. More specifically on the digital map, its categories are now expanded & re-organized into 10 layers, and all 1100+ stickpin rollovers are edited & formatted into standardized entries to ensure named locations, the presence of citations,

horned helmet > bubble helmet.

  NorsePlay is solely presenting this for the fun move-out-of-the-way-space-alien cover art. After finding a synopsis of the novella's pro-conversion miracle usage and apparently ridiculous Martian insect breeding adversaries there's no way I'd bother with reading it (nor did the real author want to sign it as Ivar Jorgensen's actually a pseudonym), yet the visual tropes here (and that Viking's laughing expression as he strong palms that bubble helmet) show the persistence of Norse Romanticism pushing itself all the way into sci-fi . #     #    # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in  the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires'  Norse Gods and Giants  at age seven. Since t hen he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the  Map of Midgard  project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay.   If you have e mployment/ opportunities in