the implications of your UPG.

You saw something. Maybe Sunna passed by on her way overhead and snuck a flapjack off your morning breakfast plate for needed calories to burn & shine with. Perhaps Freyr helpfully left you a package of condoms to find when you needed them most. Eir got you that appointment with an impossible-to-book medical specialist. Your cat meowed & stared at a not-so-empty room's corner for two hours only to reveal your crouching húsálfar drinking your feline's milk. You refused some change to a monocular vagrant dressed in blue before the on-ramp and then you immediately got into a horrible car accident. You asked the sky a question and literally heard an answer within the deep growl of thunder on a rainless day.

For whatever reason, totally unprovoked, accidentally seen, ritually summoned, or externally selected, you had an Unverified Personal Gnosis.

No, don't straight out tell me about your UPG, because if you just start off with that to anyone, odds are its only going to make you sound crazy and discredit yourself. Plus it makes it seem as if you're either just showing off or looking for validation, both of which are the wrong reasons to be sharing that.

Pull back from the unreal & uncanny incredibleness of what's happened to you and instead stop to examine why it happened. Did a spike in your luck evoke that event? Has an accrual in your familial/ancestral orlog provided a strange turn in fortune? Did you eat something that re-positioned your perceptions into a lower or higher frequency to allow what was a true encounter? Has the divine actually deemed your deeds exceptional enough for attention? Does your upcoming wyrd & heroic destiny merit otherworldly aid to achieve something that matters and will endure in the larger scope of history?

Also realize that UPGs are very much the exception & special. Note that the Gods are usually too busy minding the big picture, taking care of the operating mechanics of the Norse Níuheimar, keeping the stars' fires burning & the galactic wheels turning, and defending the World Tree's superstructure from the entropy of the jötnar, so if you are spared even an instant of divine attention then you more likely instead have a responsibility to fulfill, and to figure the details of that out if it wasn't made clear to you.

The broader & more wonderous implication of your UPG is this: Your Heathen Worldview has been confirmed. Whatever numinous or monstrous aspect of the Norse Cosmos you encountered, saw, or heard is only the smallest tip on a huge leaf of Yggdrasil, so even if nothing like that ever happens to you again, what you now know firsthand is that if that one aspect is real, then it's all real -- Gods, Jotuns, Alfar, Dvergar, and more -- its all out there somewhere on the map if you need or dare to engage with it.

["I would have words with thee."]

#    #    #

Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


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