
Showing posts from March, 2024

the implications of your UPG.

You saw something. Maybe Sunna passed by on her way overhead and snuck a flapjack off your morning breakfast plate for needed calories to burn & shine with. Perhaps Freyr helpfully left you a package of condoms to find when you needed them most. Eir got you that appointment with an impossible-to-book medical specialist. Your cat meowed & stared at a not-so-empty room's corner for two hours only to reveal your crouching  húsálfar drinking your feline's milk . You refused some change to a monocular vagrant dressed in blue before the on-ramp and then you immediately  got into a horrible car accident. You asked the sky a question and literally heard an answer within the deep growl of thunder on a rainless day. For whatever reason, totally unprovoked, accidentally seen, ritually summoned, or externally selected, you had an Unverified Personal Gnosis. No, don't straight out tell me about your UPG, because if you just start off with that to anyone, odds are its only going

their hair is the waves.

The Nine Daughters of Ægir & Rán are each named after a type of wave, which probably means they are personifications & manifestations of differing sea tops themselves. Perhaps this artistic interpretation NorsePlays more exactly how that is by making the waves their very hair : And since Norse & Classical Mythologies are descended from common Proto-Indo-European roots, one can maybe associate the depiction of these sisterly beauties with the idea of Aphrodite being born of seafoam, which is almost equally as curious as Heimdallr having all nine of them as his mothers. Given water's fluidity, perhaps a shared or traded once-a-month foam-lined womb gave the golden-toothed watchman of the Gods his níu-maternal origin.  [ Nine Daughters of Ægir and Rán (2021) by Rim Baudey, graphite on paper & digital mixed media.] #    #    # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in  the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires'  Norse Gods an

NorsePlay Investigates: The Heavener Runestone.

I know what you're thinking: a runestone in eastern Oklahoma?!? Yet if the Norse traveled east to the Black Sea, maybe even further into Asia via the spice roads, why not the same reach past Leif's Camp in Newfoundland and extending into America via coastal circumnavigation, rivers, and portages? [detail from park sign with proposed river route & location.] So I, as a proactive Investigative Norse Mythologist , used this legendary stickpin from my Map Of Midgard Project data to go take a firsthand look at the contested Heavener Runestone. [runes with me for scale.] Objective Observations: Out in small vale of the wilderlands of Heavener stands a 9' x 9' x 2' slab of sandstone, like a huge billboard facing west. From the collapsed layers of rock behind it, it seems to have detached and neatly planted itself upright in the earth. Whether that's incidental, or it was raised, or detached by force, and even possibly carved first then erected, one can't say,

a bearserker girl mural.

During a recent trip in Willcox, AZ, I ran across this awesome bearserker girl mural : Adorning the southwest exterior wall of Bear's Vintage Thrift, my Heathen Worldview suddenly did a double take. There's a narrative in this art, a semi-sad introspection. Perhaps it's berserker-like battle-lusty Hervör Angantyrsdottir at the moment she decides to relinquish the formidable but cursed sword Tyrfing, stop raiding, and settle down to a more traditional life at her foster-father Jarl Bjartmar's hall. One might imagine this face of resignation at such a point of change in her life, the trade of her being done with risk & adventure for more secure domesticity & differing rewards of marriage. While there's no mention of her wearing a bearskin in  The Saga of Hervör and Heidrek  (though her birthfather was a berserker, so maybe passed on?), the mural could be allegorical of her ferocity cowling or even emanating from her person. On the commercial surface this wo