did you give NorsePlay the gift of Bifrost?

This arrived in my mailbox! I'd only recently added it to my Amazon Wishlist as something I'd felt worth exploring. While NorsePlay has mentioned Unverified Personal Gnosis and its potential significance before , I keep thinking if there were a way to compare, accrue, and judiciously vet UPGs then a body of contemporary Verified Personal Gnosis could be accrued, and perhaps a larger picture of divine manifestations could be revealed, or at least maybe some distinct patterns of what sorts of people are tapped by the Gods. While I'm not confident The Fellowship of Northern Traditions who put this publication out is that body, I'm excited someone's at least aggregating that data in any fashion, and curious to see what stories are in this 76-page magazine. So back to my original question: Which of you readers was nice enough to send me this? Let me know in the comments, and NorsePlay thanks you! # # # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special i...