ancient viking superhero merch.

As stated in the reverse's engraving below, this figure was recast & reinterpreted from an artifact by famous Norwegian Silversmith David Andersen and released in a limited run.
Given the visual cues this could be many things: Freyja in her falcon cloak with the huge chest placard as Brísingamen and the side headknotworks as an up-do, Loki in Freyja's borrowed cloak (in Þrymskviða) if we look closer at the encircled lips that could be a round scar from their having once been sewn shut (in Skáldskaparmál), perhaps even Baldr as the chestplate resembles the shape & placement of a more decorated ornament on another depiction of him, or less specifically one of the Valkyries.
Yet I can't seem to find the archeological match for this pin, the closest probably being this gilded copper mount from Uppåkra (which it can't be as it was only found in 2012 CE after the pin was made):
Though if it is inspired by a similar piece, then that makes this Völund the Smith in his winged flightsuit. The relief match here would be the spirals at the shoulders. Also narratively his maimed feet having to be in the bottom crosspiece, which could also be an portion of the airframe, and the aerodynamic head extensions as clever horizontal stabilizers & neck-tilted flaps for turning or changing altitude.
Preceding the inventive flight-capable Iron Man who also has to build something around his personal injury to save himself and wreak maximum damage on his way out, Völund engineers his grim vengeance & amazing aerial escape from an imprisoning captor that forces him to craft things, which in a way makes both the gilded mount & vintage pin total superhero merch.
NorsePlay would love to see a sterling series in this style to double as prestige cloakpins, including Sigurd, Beowulf, Ragnar, Arrow-Odd, Hrólfr Kraki, Skarphéðinn, Hervor, Starkaðr, and others. Get on this money idea, Heathen artisans!
Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology, field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.
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