the sacrifice of the peppermint pig.

Of course we realized that holiday ham, whether for Yule or Ēostre, is the modern Heathen animal sacrifice for the Gods and the feast meat you share with them at your table. And while we already saw the cool little Thoresque hammer pictured above through the lens of our Heathen Worldview, it took Eric "Word-Weaver" Sjerven in his Raven's Call "Yuletide Special" video to connect the action of smashing & sharing the candy peppermint pig to animal sacrifice, which is an American German and Pennsylvania Dutch popular holiday ritual adaptation, which we can now also recognize as a symbolic blót.

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Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


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