Skade the seeress.

Skade from The Last Kingdom's Season 3! Actress Thea Sofie Loch Næss opens the show as a merciless magical threat, gouging eyes, and stilling tongues on the edge of her seax. Appropriately named after the Goddess Skaði whose etymology comes from damage/harm/injury/wound, she addresses the powers and remote people as though they haven't any distance from her, which is both frighting, impressive, and grimly alluring.

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Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


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