the sword in the tree.

Odin plunges the magic sword Gram into the tree Barnstokk and says:

"He who draws this sword out of the trunk shall receive it from me as a gift, and he himself shall prove that he has never carried a better sword than this one."
Sound familiar? And now we know where that came from.

[Sigmunds Schwert (Sigmund's Sword, 1889) by Johannes Gehrts.]

#    #    #

Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


  1. Kara Lynn: That odd kids' book is interesting given that Merlin is an analogue for Odin.

  2. Guillermo the IVth My favorite thing about researching Norse mythology is how much of it influenced so many other things.


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