NorsePlay manifests at Meow Wolf.
While wandering gobstopped through Meow Wolf Santa Fe 's forest area last week, I heard a weird voice speaking above me that turned out to be a huge automated raven sporting a gold chain hung with a fat ruby. Of course this had to be Muninn manifesting his way into the densely accrued materials of this former bowling alley turned into its own elaborate sci-fi saga installation. But I didn't quite catch what the raven said, so I waited in the area for at least 20 minutes looking at other things while expecting the bird to launch into an audio loop, or be activated somehow into speaking again, but it never happened, which made me wonder if he only spoke once-a-day at Noon, which makes his input a rare clue in the Pastore family's story. After being wowed and absorbing as much as I could of the deep narrative on-site from its videos & exhaustive documents, I longed for even more context and bought the giftshop book Don’t Read This! The Private Diary of Piper Pastore ...