
Showing posts from July, 2024

Swift Hammer tools out a Sköll & Hati wallet.

While I'd rather celebrate Odin's Geri & Freki , I can't help but admire the amazing hand tooled craftsmanship by Brandon Corral of Swift Hammer Leather's Sköll & Hati . And perhaps every time one takes this wallet out to pay for something, we can note the celestial adversaries near eternally hungering & chasing that which they wish to consume, and reflect whether that purchase will actually satisfy our desires, and to maybe stop trying to possess the proverbial Sunna & Mani and just slow down to enjoy their abundant radiance & the time we are gifted from the Gods instead. [ SwiftHammerLeather on Etsy . And thanks to Brandon Corral for making me aware of his awesome work though his donation to the Southwest Frithmoot .] #    #    # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in  the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires'  Norse Gods and Giants  at age seven. Since t hen he's been fascinated by the truthful pote

yggdrasil the stout.

  What's provocative about @pleiadictarot's well dressed postcard illustration of Yggdrasil is the idea of a trunklike thickness from roots to base of the upper branches. The Norse Lore talks about how much wear the World Tree endures from the cosmic animals and other adverse elements around it, so perhaps having a far sturdier tree with a bottom-heavy root structure would help explain its solid endurance throughout time.  So there's a dragon chewing on the root, but if that root is 100,000+ times larger than the dragon, then Níðhöggr 's wee mouth worrying the tree at its scale is actually not so worrying. #    #    # Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in  the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires'  Norse Gods and Giants  at age seven. Since t hen he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the  Map of Midgard  project, and spearheaded the ne

the unending search for knowledge.

I read. I read a lot. And I wondered if in the afterworlds all my questions about the Norse Lore, the Níuverse, and everything else would be answered. † And I realized that doesn't happen. The Gods don't know everything. Odin still looks for all the things he doesn't know. And if Odin himself doesn't know then that means the Níuheimar's probably an evolving exponential mystery beyond its Æsir creators. Yggdrasil grows, it gnarls, it spreads, it bears & dies in parts, constantly. While I think I will have access to so much more amazing storehoused knowledge in the afterworlds , there will still be more in that next level to learn, travel to, have adventure, and explore. There will be people from throughout time at the tables of the ancestors to ask questions of, the books of Bragi's Hall with their stories & songs, Valkyries who've witnessed thousands of glorious & horrific battles, dwarves who may begrudgingly barter their skillsets, álfar th

NorsePlay requests a Vikingverse cartoon.

As NorsePlay does a re-watch of Thundarr the Barbarian (1980 CE) with its Conan -meets-post-apocalyptic fantasy/sci-fi, I can't help but think of Ian Stuart Sharpe 's Vikingverse with its Ragnarok event that devastatingly changes the face of Midgard, something relatively similar to " a runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction. Man's civilization is cast in ruin. " And with the fact that Jack Kirby did character design on Thundarr also brings to mind the Kirby-inspired pencils of Vikingverse artist Ger Curti:  [p21 of the one-shot  Yggdrasil: In the Beginning comic!] The point of my drawing these two things together is that NorsePlay would like to apply its longstanding social media cred & skaldic might to request that there be a Vikingverse animated cartoon. I know the cybervikingsphere would devour that and ask for thirds, the awesome Vikingverse novels would get bought in astronomical stacks, there would be a

NorsePlay at Southwest Frithmoot 2024.

This last weekend I attended my sixth Southwest Frithmoot ! [maps at left, stax of books at right with an iron easel on top to keep the northern Arizona wind from making off with them without bidding (greedy Hræsvelgr)!] The big difference this year is that I went as a vendor with framed copies & prints of The Path Of Odin map ! I first want to thank everyone who pre-reserved framed maps to get at the event, others who bought prints , and everyone who checked it out and had kind feedback to say about the map & questions about the research behind it! You Heathens are a large part of my audience, future users for the Map Of Midgard project , and your enthusiasm & encouragement meant alot to me & the work I do to make that proof-of-concept Odin map happen. But back to the event: For those who don't know, Southwest Frith Moot is the longstanding annual regional Ásatrú/Heathen gathering  hosted by Arizona's Wanderer Kindred's Chieftain Vince & Gythia Dani,