save the Nine Worlds ... at least for more than yourself.

Loki: Whattajerkface! In this 1985 CE issue of Thor #353 distinctively drawn by Walter Simonson , here is laid the device by which Thor: Ragnarok hangs: Marvel Surtur needing to dip his world-burning sword Twilight into the Eternal Flame in order to fulfill the Volva's prophecy of his destiny as the agent which destroys the Nine Worlds. This comic panel has the trio of Gods teaming up to prevent that. And sure, Loki's selfish honesty's amusing by contrast, but when we look at the Norse Lore, we see a God who maliciously cuts off Sif's hair , steals Freyja's prized necklace Brisingamen , cravenly makes a deal with an enemy giant to kidnap Iðunn to deny the Æsir their sustaining apples of youth , carelessly underestimates in betting the Sun, Moon, & Freyja to get Asgard's wall built, has an affair that fathers two cosmic monsters that will kill two major Gods, and is ultimately responsible for killing Baldr, which is the temporal trigger for herald...