all hail Buddy Guillermosson!

NorsePlay has previously posted illustrations & photos of Viking Era grave reconstructions and about my awesome American Bully, Buddy Guillermosson. Buddy passed away this week, and much like the Viking Era arrangements of grave goods, I've decided to honor his life by including items with him for use in the afterworlds. As pictured above, I've included nine bully sticks, which were his favourite chews, his treat ball & bone, a stack of cheddar cheese slices, a huge greasy cow's knucklebone, a small Viking ship, and two finely carved & painted Swedish Dala horses. When representations or miniatures are interred or cremated, these items are thought to manifest full size in the afterworlds , and their bearer can use or barter them as needed. Horses in burials are huge prestige items, usually reserved for rulers or warriors of great stature. Once he's cremated, given my intentional funerary arrangement, Buddy Guillermosson will very likely show up to his d...