NorsePlay wins Speed Kubb at the 2021 Southwest Frith Moot!

After winning the Southwest Frith Moot Viking Games' Knife Throwing event in 2019, I thought I could possibly win that again last weekend in Arizona's White Mountains, along with the prestigious Axe Throw by building our very own backyard NorsePlay Axe Throwing Target and putting in the practice. So many, many drinking horns of mead and late into the night before the Viking Games, SFM co-organizer & Chieftain of Wanderer Kindred Vincent Enlund says he'd like a way to include Kubb, the celebrated Viking lawn game, but without it having to take days like the annual championships up in Eau Claire, because we've serious Heathenry lecture s scheduled for the afternoon, otherwise Kubb's a no-go. Bragi's tongue's suddenly in my mouth and I say: "Let's invent Speed Kubb! We can reduce the kubbs from 5 to only 3 with no throw-ins, only give the players 3 batons so that way the opponent at least gets one turn, half the playing field, and keep the King ...