Map Of Midgard Project update: 400 mappoints completed & counting!

I've successfully plotted 400 mappoints for my Map Of Midgard Project! This is the third update since the initial blog post , the first update , and the second update . Instead of flashing another map teaser screenshot, this update I'm going to reveal how in-depth my research is in terms of my stacks of reading material. As I read sources, I use many, many, many metal page points to bookmark specific lines with references to possible places for Map Of Midgard inclusion. For instance, my pictured copy of Njal's Saga upon finished reading has 77 page points in it, so for a book of 375 pages, (if it were spaced evenly) that's a citation that needs researching more frequently than every five pages! [with my spine-curved & spider-creased deluxe The Sagas of Icelanders .] I'm currently reading Orkneyinga Saga , to be followed up by Guta Saga , Jómsvíkinga Saga , and Landnámabók for the last, though if those readings lead us to more super must-have sources then I...