finding Vikings in The Land Of The Lost.
In my recently completed rewatch of the 1974-6 CE The Land of the Lost , I capstoned with the 2009 CE film, and had completely forgotten that a pretty near match to the Oseberg Viking Ship shows up among the sands that also have an Urban Outfitters and other odd cross-temporal Midgardian displacements. Yet given the Vikings' achievements in exploration, it instead implies that they might've purposefully come there. This pretty much duplicates the far overplayed viral meme where an astronaut finds a drakkar on the lunar surface right after he arrives: With the raft-over-the-falls-into-a-time-door mechanism that's used in the classic show's intro, the idea that a ship gaining entry into The Land Of The Lost via one of the many Viking "routine expedition"s river route for trade combined with a possibly exceptional Loki-quake could also explain its presence. Or when colonizing Greenland, only 14 of 25 ships actually make it, so it could potentially be one of those